
Braces and strength of ionization brush

Braces are one of the most effective tools in today’s dentistry in correcting dental irregularities. Their function is important not only in straightening aesthetic imperfections but also in serious bite defects. After their application, the patient must place more emphasis on oral hygiene, because the environment in the mouth has changed and it is important to adapt the cleaning technique to this environment.

Today, there are a number of orthodontic appliances, which we divide into three types: fixed, scanning and foil. The sensing and foil braces can be removed from the oral cavity and the teeth cleaned in the standard way. It is important to take into account the hygiene of the scanner itself and clean it regularly. 

With fixed braces, the process is a bit more complicated, we divide them according to the type of material used from which the locks are made, especially metal and ceramic. The latest types of fixed braces can also be applied to the inside of teeth. In all these species is a special adhesive-bonded tooth mansion, which becomes a potential point of accumulation of plaque. Unfortunately, a fixed apparatus greatly complicates the hygiene of the oral cavity and in the worst case, if performed incorrectly, it can lead to irreversible damage. Bacteria settle around the lock, where they demineralize the enamel, which means that the acidic products of bacterial metabolism disrupt the enamel structure. If this process continues into the deeper layers of the tooth, the damage becomes irreversible and an aesthetic defect occurs in the tooth in the form of a chalky white spot. It is not too far from her to develop tooth decay. After removing the device, the patient may not have as beautiful and radiant a smile as he expected from the treatment.

When caring for teeth with fixed appliances, the patient cannot do without other dental hygiene aids. An important factor is the use of interdental brushes as well as a single-bundle brush together with a brush for routine cleaning. All interdental spaces must be cleaned with an interdental brush. It is important to keep in mind that the teeth will be in motion during the whole treatment and the interdental spaces will be reduced or enlarged, so it is important to have more sizes of interdental brushes in stock and regularly consult a dental hygienist on their use. The most important component of brushing teeth with braces is undoubtedly the one-bundle toothbrush with which the orthodontic patient cleans his teeth around the lock using short and brachial movements. With a single-bundle brush, the patient also gets to all other less accessible places that were created by the presence of the apparatus. Use a hand brush to clean all larger areas and areas around the gums with vibrating movements.

Part of dental care is a healthy and varied diet (without excessive and long-term amounts of sugars and acids ), preventive examinations at the dentist and dental hygienist, and, of course, daily cleaning of teeth with suitable dental aids and proper technique.

onizační brush IONICKISS is enriched by the process of ionization, which is an added value compared to conventional manual toothbrushes. The ionizing toothbrush generates negative ions and directs their flow between the toothbrush and the tooth. Ionization thus disrupts the ionic bond between the plaque and the tooth, thereby repelling the plaque from the tooth surface toward the brush head. Another advantage is the interchangeable heads, so the patient is not forced to carry different types of brushes at all times. On our website, you will find an extensive selection of interchangeable heads, including single-bundle heads. Our toothbrush will make your oral hygiene more efficient and move you to a healthier dimension.

At this link, you will find nice photos of how to attach the brush to the locks for inspiration. http://www.rovnatka-praha.cz/lecba-zacina/ . It is first cleaned classically as if the braces were not fibers towards the gums, then we fold the fibers around the braces, ie above the lock and under the lock.

Many thanks for the professional consultation of the dental hygienist Mrs. Aneta Stryjová, DiS   https://www.dentalni-hygienistka.com